The artwork titled “Untitled #359,” created by Cindy Sherman in the year 2000, is a part of the Feminist Art movement and falls within the genre of photography. The artwork features a striking depiction of a female figure with pronounced facial makeup and a braided hairstyle, adorned with multiple layers of jewelry. The subject’s gaze directly engages the viewer, creating an intense and somewhat disconcerting visual experience. The intricate details of her attire, including a velvet-like garment, contribute to the overall theatrical essence of the photograph. The composition adeptly explores themes of identity and societal standards of beauty, integral to the Feminist Art movement, through the artist’s signature approach of self-representation and transformation.
Untitled #359 (2000) by Cindy Sherman
Artwork Information
Title | Untitled #359 |
Artist | Cindy Sherman |
Date | 2000 |
Art Movement | Feminist Art |