“Untitled #411” is a photograph created by Cindy Sherman in 2003, and it belongs to the Feminist Art movement. The artwork is a striking example of Sherman’s exploration of identity and societal roles through a genre that aligns with photo-based art practices.
The artwork depicts an individual styled as a clown, characterized by grotesque and exaggerated facial features painted with white face paint, a bulbous red nose, and dramatically large red lips. The clown’s hair is vibrantly colored in shades of green, blue, and orange, adding to the striking and surreal aesthetic of the piece. The subject’s attire includes a loosely wrapped blue and white scarf around the neck and a patterned jacket, which together with the stark makeup and bright gradient background, creates a visually compelling and disconcerting image. The expression and demeanor of the clown evoke a complex range of emotions, from whimsical to unsettling, reflecting Sherman’s critique of societal norms and the performance of roles.