“Untitled #424,” a work created in 2004 by Cindy Sherman within the Feminist Art movement, is a photographic artwork that portrays a distinctive and thought-provoking visual narrative. Sherman’s work is renowned for its exploration of identity, performance, and the constructed nature of societal roles.
The artwork depicts a subject adorned in full clown makeup, exuding an unsettling yet captivating presence. The face is painted white, accentuated with exaggerated black eyebrows, and adorned with dramatic facial features including a shiny red nose, dark lips, and expressive eyes. The subject’s hair is depicted in voluminous, curly afro-styled wig, topped with a white cap. The background is vibrant with a dynamic interplay of diagonal, multicolored stripes, predominantly hues of yellow, blue, and red, enhancing the contrast and vividness of the subject. The prominent red neck ruffle further amplifies the theatricality of the character, adhering to the theme of performance and disguise prevalent in Sherman’s oeuvre. This composition invites the viewer to question the notions of reality and artifice, central to the feminist discourse inherent in Sherman’s body of work.