The artwork titled “Untitled (Blue Divided by Blue)” was created by Mark Rothko in 1966. This piece, executed with acrylic on paper, belongs to the Color Field Painting movement and is an abstract work. The dimensions of the artwork are 85 by 65 centimeters.
In this artwork, Rothko employs his signature style of large, delineated fields of color. The piece is characterized by two large rectangular forms in varying shades of blue, divided horizontally by a slightly lighter, blurred band. The upper and lower rectangles dominate the composition with their deep blue hues, while the central division introduces a subtle gradation, creating a tranquil yet profound visual experience. The borders of the forms are soft and slightly irregular, contributing to a sense of depth and resonance, which is a significant hallmark of Rothko’s oeuvre. The work exudes a contemplative and serene atmosphere, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the meditative quality of color and form.