The artwork titled “Untitled,” created in 2001 by the artist Chris Ofili, is a part of the Neo-Expressionism movement and belongs to the genres of figurative and portrait art. This piece, exuding Ofili’s distinctive style, captures the essence of Neo-Expressionism through its vibrant visual narrative and evocative depiction of the subject.
In the artwork, a female figure is prominently featured against a neutral background. The portrayal is characterized by bold and exaggerated features, a hallmark of Neo-Expressionist technique. Her hair, styled in voluminous and curvaceous patterns, adds a dynamic quality to the piece. The woman’s eyes are accentuated with prominent white eyelashes, directing the viewer’s attention to her intense gaze. Her lips are painted in a vivid pink, providing a striking contrast to her deep brown complexion. The figure is adorned with a white and gold ornamental headpiece and a necklace, enhancing her regal appearance. The lower part of the composition showcases her attire, decorated with intricate patterns and vibrant colors, further emphasizing the richness and vitality often found in Ofili’s work.