The artwork titled “Untitled” by artist Cindy Sherman, created in 2010, represents the Feminist Art movement and falls under the photo genre. In the artwork, two distinct figures are prominently presented against a backdrop that portrays a mirrored black-and-white landscape scene, suggesting a garden or park.
On the left side of the artwork, there is a figure dressed in a striking, elaborate outfit, appearing to blend historical and contemporary elements, complete with gloves, stockings, and an intricate hairstyle. The figure on the right is attired in a polka-dotted dress with floral gloves, holding a bouquet of flowers, and has a serene, almost introspective expression on their face. The contrasting figures, alongside the harmonious yet symmetrical backdrop, evoke themes of identity, representation, and the performance of femininity, hallmarks of Cindy Sherman’s contributions to Feminist Art. The meticulously crafted personas and the thoughtful composition invite viewers to ponder the roles and narratives women navigate in various contexts.