The artwork titled “Untitled,” created by artist Clyfford Still in 1952, is a significant piece in the Abstract Expressionism movement. Executed in oil, this abstract genre painting measures 153 by 121 cm and is housed at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) in San Francisco, CA, US.
The artwork comprises broad expanses of dark, almost black coloration, with bursts of vivid yellow and sporadic touches of red scattered across the canvas. The composition elicits a sense of intensity and movement, characteristic of the Abstract Expressionist style. The large areas of dark hues are punctuated by the dynamic, almost violent appearance of the bright yellow and sharp red elements, suggesting a struggle or a contrast between conflicting forces or emotions. The use of a limited color palette and the juxtaposition of bold, raw shapes invokes an evocative and powerful visual experience for the observer.