“Untitled D (From The Basque Suite),” created in 1970 by Robert Motherwell, is an abstract work that belongs to the Abstract Expressionism art movement. This artwork epitomizes the genre of abstract painting, distinguished by its bold and evocative forms.
The artwork features a dynamic composition dominated by stark contrasts and bold uses of color. The central element comprises a large, black, angular form that almost resembles an abstract letter ‘A’ or an arch, set against a deep red background. Adjacent to this are smaller, textured black elements, as well as a striking orange curve that seems to provide a sense of movement and fluidity. The background, vividly red, juxtaposes sharply with the black and orange, heightening the intensity of the visual experience. The interplay of shapes and colors, along with the texture and spontaneous feel of the strokes, embody the principles of Abstract Expressionism, showcasing Motherwell’s ability to convey emotion and complexity through abstraction. The artwork carries the signature of the artist, adding a personal touch to this expressive piece.