Untitled (1990) by David Hammons

Untitled - David Hammons - 1990

Artwork Information

ArtistDavid Hammons
Art MovementPost-Minimalism

About Untitled

The artwork, titled “Untitled,” was created by David Hammons in 1990. It falls within the Post-Minimalism art movement and belongs to the installation genre.

The artwork features a noteworthy installation set in a wooded area, where several urinals are affixed to the trunks of trees. The forest environment, coupled with the juxtaposition of urban fixtures (urinals) in a natural setting, evokes a sense of incongruity and stimulative reflection on the relationship between the urban and natural worlds. The urinals, traditionally associated with indoor, urban spaces, create an unexpected and thought-provoking context that challenges the viewer’s perceptions and societal norms. Through this installation, Hammons successfully merges elements of nature and human-made objects, encouraging a dialogue on the coexistence of and tensions between the human and natural environments.

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