The artwork, titled “Untitled,” was created by the artist David Young during the period of 2015 to 2016 in Cornwall, United Kingdom.
The artwork presents an indoor scene featuring three human figures. In the foreground, a woman with blonde hair, clad in a red polka-dotted dress, is seated on a green chair near a decorated Christmas tree, holding a tea cup and saucer. Her gaze is directed towards an elderly man, who leans slightly forward in conversation. He wears a formal suit and is accompanied by another woman standing behind him, wearing a blue dress, with a composed expression on her face. The background reveals a snow-covered landscape visible through a large window, with an old-fashioned car parked outside and footprints in the snow leading towards a quaint house. A small table adorned with a vase of flowers and framed photos also forms part of the indoor setting. The overall atmosphere is serene, evoking a sense of quiet interaction and nostalgic wintertime setting.