The artwork “Untitled” (Double Portrait) by Felix Gonzalez-Torres, created in 1991, stands as a notable example within the realms of Conceptual Art and Minimalism. Defined by its genre as an installation, the artwork embodies the minimalist aesthetic and conceptual rigor that are characteristic of the period and the artist’s oeuvre.
In this artwork, we observe a stack of papers arranged neatly on the floor, forming a solid, rectangular mass. Atop the pristine white sheets, two interlocking circles are printed, executed in a simple gold line. The circles suggest an intimate connection, overlapping in a manner that can be interpreted as a Venn diagram or even as wedding bands, symbols of union and partnership. The double portrait is not a conventional representation of individuals; instead, it utilizes geometric abstraction to imply the presence and relationship of two entities. The participation of the viewer is implicit, as the stacked papers are often meant to be taken away by the audience, highlighting themes of loss, memory, and the ephemeral nature of life and relationships. This interactive aspect bridges the gap between art and observer, engaging in a silent yet profound dialogue that extends beyond the visual elements. The brilliance of Gonzalez-Torres’s work lies in its ability to merge simplicity with deep emotive resonance, inviting multiple interpretations while engaging with personal and political dimensions.