The artwork titled “Untitled E,” created by Cindy Sherman in 1975, is a significant piece within the Feminist Art movement and falls under the genre of photography. It is part of the series “Untitled A-E.”
The artwork features a close-up black-and-white photograph of a person in a striking and evocative pose. The individual is adorned in a broad-brimmed hat, their face characterized by bold makeup that accentuates their features in an almost theatrical manner. The expression is neutral, conveying a sense of ambiguity and introspection. The composition is minimalist, with the focus solely on the subject’s face and hat, allowing the viewer to delve into the subtleties of the expression and the underlying themes of identity and representation. The embodiment of Feminist Art is evident as the piece challenges conventional notions of gender and identity, inviting the viewer to question societal norms and stereotypes.