The artwork, titled “Untitled” by Eric Gill, belongs to the Art Deco movement and falls under the genre of illustration. It showcases the distinctive characteristics of the Art Deco style, blending geometric and organic elements.
In the artwork, two serpents entwined around a tree form the central focus. The tree branches out, dividing the canvas vertically. The snakes are intricately patterned in a vibrant palette of red, yellow, black, and white, adding a dynamic quality to the composition. Their tongues are extended, seemingly directed toward a butterfly that occupies the central upper part of the artwork, creating a sense of motion and interaction. Surrounding the central figures, the background is adorned with detailed, symmetrical foliage in hues of autumnal reds, browns, and greens, enhancing the natural motif. The base of the artwork features a grassy patch with additional leafy plants, grounding the scene in a simple yet effective way.