The artwork titled “Untitled,” created by Etel Adnan in 2015, is an oil painting on canvas. Adnan’s piece is associated with the Color Field Painting movement and is categorized within the landscape genre. The dimensions of the work are 41 by 33 centimeters.
The composition of the artwork displays a vivid yet serene blend of contrasting colors. A prominent feature is the round, yellow sun positioned centrally in the upper section against a vast expanse of muted purple sky. Beneath the sky, a horizontal band, rendered in teal, implies a calm sea or distant horizon. The lower portion of the painting consists of flat, geometric shapes in warm terracotta and soft beige tones, suggestive of simplified mountainous or hilly terrains. The flat application of colors and the absence of intricate details evoke a sense of tranquility and abstraction, characteristic of Color Field Painting. The minimalistic approach allows the viewer to focus on the emotional resonance and harmonious interplay of colors.