“Untitled Film Still #19” is a black and white photograph created by artist Cindy Sherman in 1979. As a key figure in the Feminist Art movement, Sherman’s work often explores themes of identity, gender roles, and representation. This photograph is part of her “Untitled Film Stills” series, which consists of staged images that resemble scenes from 1950s and 1960s Hollywood, European cinema, and film noir.
The artwork presents a woman depicted from behind and in profile as she looks into the distance. She is wearing a patterned dress and a headscarf, suggesting a persona akin to a character from a mid-20th-century film. The composition consists of urban elements—brick walls, windows, and what appears to be foliage from a small bush or garden area, indicative of an outdoor setting that contributes to the cinematic feel of the photograph. Sherman’s self-staging evokes a sense of narrative and character usually found in movies, yet remains open to interpretation, engaging viewers to imagine the story behind the image. The staged nature of the photograph and its intentional ambiguity serve to critique and examine the construction of femininity and identity in popular media.