The artwork titled “Untitled Film Still #24” by Cindy Sherman, created in 1979, is a notable piece within the Feminist Art movement and belongs to the genre of photography. It is part of the series “Untitled Film Stills,” which consists of staged black-and-white photographs that explore and challenge female stereotypes in popular culture.
In the artwork, a woman is depicted sitting by a waterfront with a nonchalant and somewhat distant expression. She is dressed casually in a black top and a light-colored skirt, her short, styled hair evoking an air of mid-20th-century cinematic glamour. The background showcases industrial buildings adjacent to the water, under a bright, sunlit sky. The composition of the artwork thoughtfully captures the essence of a moment, simultaneously inviting viewers to ponder the narrative and the constructed identity of the subject portrayed. Through this evocative setting and the subject’s poised demeanor, Sherman masterfully communicates themes of identity, femininity, and societal roles.