“Untitled Film Still #25,” created by Cindy Sherman in 1979, is a renowned piece within the Feminist Art movement. This artwork, a photo, captures a particular moment that evokes a narrative, typical of Sherman’s evocative and nuanced style.
The artwork features a young woman standing alongside a body of water, with a pier extending into the distance behind her. The scene is rendered in black and white, adding to the cinematic and timeless quality of the photograph. The woman appears contemplative or possibly worried, with her eyes directed slightly downward and her expression suggesting an internal dialogue or emotion. She is dressed in a simple black top and a light-colored skirt, embodying the understated attire that contrasts with the potential complexity of her thoughts or situation. The background, with its textured water and sturdy dock, adds depth to the composition, enhancing the feeling of solitude or introspection. This piece effectively communicates the themes of identity and the performative nature of femininity, central to Sherman’s body of work.