“Untitled Film Still #27,” created by Cindy Sherman in 1979, is an evocative example of Feminist Art and falls within the genre of photography. This work is part of Sherman’s renowned “Untitled Film Stills” series. The artwork portrays a young woman with a contemplative and somewhat distressed expression. Her attire, a leopard-print collared jacket, and the setting evoke a narrative quality reminiscent of classic cinema. The photograph is rendered in black and white, enhancing its timeless and dramatic atmosphere. Through this piece, Sherman explores themes of identity, femininity, and societal roles, inviting viewers to question and interpret the constructed narratives of female representation.
Untitled Film Still #27 (1979) by Cindy Sherman
Artwork Information
Title | Untitled Film Still #27 |
Artist | Cindy Sherman |
Date | 1979 |
Art Movement | Feminist Art |