The artwork titled “Untitled Film Still #3,” created by artist Cindy Sherman in 1977, belongs to the Feminist Art movement and is part of the “Untitled Film Stills” series. This genre of the artwork is a photograph.
In the artwork, a woman is depicted in what appears to be a domestic setting, characterized by the presence of kitchen-related objects such as dish soap, jars, and a dishrack. The woman, captured in a candid and somewhat introspective moment, gazes off to the side with a cautious and thoughtful expression. She is dressed in a dress and apron, exuding an aura of mid-20th-century domesticity. The use of monochrome enhances the dated cinematic quality, giving it the appearance of a still from a classic film. The mise-en-scène meticulously constructs a narrative, inviting viewers to ponder the underlying themes of identity, gender roles, and the portrayal of women in media.