The artwork, titled “Untitled Film Still #35,” was created by the artist Cindy Sherman in 1979. It belongs to the Feminist Art movement and is a part of her “Untitled Film Stills” series, which falls under the genre of photographic art.
In “Untitled Film Still #35,” Sherman presents an evocative black-and-white photograph that captures a woman, presumably the artist herself in disguise, standing in a domestic setting. The subject is dressed in attire reminiscent of mid-20th century fashion, complete with a patterned apron, a dress, and heeled shoes. Her posture, as well as her glance over the shoulder, evokes a sense of narrative and tension, as if she has been interrupted or is about to turn around in response to a call. The worn state of the door behind her, along with the dim lighting, contributes to the overall atmosphere, invoking feelings of confinement, expectation, and introspection. This specific work showcases Sherman’s talent for creating powerful imagery that challenges traditional perceptions of women’s roles and personas within societal and cinematic norms.