The artwork titled “Untitled Film Still #38” was created by Cindy Sherman in 1979. It is part of the “Untitled Film Stills” series and belongs to the Feminist Art movement. Executed in the genre of photography, the artwork is a significant contribution to feminist discourse in the visual arts.
In “Untitled Film Still #38,” the photograph presents a black-and-white image capturing a seemingly cinematic moment. A woman, slightly obscured and out of focus, is seen standing in a natural outdoor setting, possibly a forest or wooded area. She wears a white garment and is positioned as if cautiously stepping through a stream, her hand extended to steady herself or perhaps reaching forward. The surroundings are lush, dense with foliage, and convey a sense of isolation. The blurriness of the image imparts an ethereal quality, emphasizing a narrative that feels both mysterious and evocative, characteristic of Sherman’s exploration of female identity and representation.