“Untitled Film Still #44,” created in 1979 by Cindy Sherman, is a photograph that belongs to the Feminist Art movement and is part of the “Untitled Film Stills” series. The artwork features a striking black-and-white depiction of a lone woman standing beside a prominent building that bears the sign “Flagstaff.” The architectural structure, with its distinct pointed gables and intricate details, provides an imposing backdrop against which the solitary figure contrasts vividly. The woman appears to be in a moment of contemplation or waiting, adding a narrative element to the scene. Sherman’s work often explores themes of identity, representation, and societal roles, encapsulated through staged photographs that echo the aesthetics of cinema and popular culture.
Untitled Film Still #44 (1979) by Cindy Sherman
Artwork Information
Title | Untitled Film Still #44 |
Artist | Cindy Sherman |
Date | 1979 |
Art Movement | Feminist Art |