“Untitled Film Still #47” is an artwork by Cindy Sherman, created in 1979 as part of the Feminist Art movement. This photograph belongs to Sherman’s seminal series “Untitled Film Stills.” The series portrays various archetypical female characters, capturing themes of identity and the portrayal of women in media.
The artwork is a black-and-white photograph depicting a woman in a domestic outdoor setting. She is seen holding a hose in a quaint garden, surrounded by lush foliage and framed by a wooden fence. The figure wears a sunhat and a light patterned dress, embodying a seemingly casual, almost cinematic moment of everyday life. Sherman’s deliberate choice of costume, posture, and expression, as well as the overall composition, create a narrative moment that feels both intimate and intriguingly ambiguous, reflecting her exploration of female stereotypes and the subtleties of identity within the confines of societal expectations.