“Untitled Film Still #50,” created by Cindy Sherman in 1979, is an eminent piece belonging to the Feminist Art movement. This photograph is part of her renowned series, “Untitled Film Stills.” In this artwork, the scene is set within a dimly lit, sophisticated living room, characterized by mid-century modern furniture and ambient lighting. The central figure, a woman dressed in a dark dress and a wide-brimmed hat, occupies a corner of the lavish sofa, exuding an air of mystery and contemplation. The meticulous arrangement of objects, including a tribal mask and an abstract sculpture, contributes to the complex narrative and cinematic quality inherent in Sherman’s work. The photograph’s monochromatic palette enhances its dramatic and introspective atmosphere, reinforcing its place within the canon of feminist photography.
Untitled Film Still #50 (1979) by Cindy Sherman
Artwork Information
Title | Untitled Film Still #50 |
Artist | Cindy Sherman |
Date | 1979 |
Art Movement | Feminist Art |