“Untitled Film Still #53” by Cindy Sherman is a black-and-white photograph created in 1980, exemplifying the Feminist Art movement. This piece is part of Sherman’s influential “Untitled Film Stills” series and is currently housed at the Allen Memorial Art Museum (AMAM) in Oberlin, Ohio, USA. The artwork is notable for its commentary on female identity and representation in media, a recurring theme in Sherman’s oeuvre.
The artwork depicts a woman with an evocative expression, standing next to a lamp against a backdrop of a brick wall. The black-and-white medium enhances the dramatic and cinematic quality of the scene, reminiscent in style of mid-20th century film stills. The woman’s contemplative gaze, combined with elements such as her period-specific hairstyle and clothing, accentuates the themes of introspection and the construction of female personas. The inclusion of the lamp and the stark lighting further contribute to the atmospheric tension within the composition.