The artwork titled “Untitled Film Still #9” was created by Cindy Sherman in 1977. This piece is part of the feminist art movement and falls within the genre of photo. It belongs to Sherman’s renowned series “Untitled Film Stills”.
In the artwork, a woman is seen lounging on a beachside patio, seated on a reclining chair. She is dressed in a bathing suit and wears dark sunglasses, embodying a stereotypical cinematic scene often seen in vintage films. An umbrella partially covers the patio area, providing shade, while the woman adopts a relaxed, contemplative pose. The setting is reminiscent of beach vacations, featuring a sandy expanse and a tranquil sea in the background. This portrayal captures both a sense of leisure and an underlying narrative common in Sherman’s examination of female identity and societal roles through staged photography. The black-and-white composition further enhances the nostalgic, cinematic quality of the scene.