“Untitled (first study for ‘The Three Glorious Enigmas of Gala’)” is an artwork by Salvador Dali, created in 1982. This piece is associated with the Expressionism movement and is categorized as a sketch and study. As a work emanating from the later period of Dali’s career, it reflects a continuation of his exploration of form and the subconscious.
The artwork presents a dreamlike visage, characterized by the ethereal blending of tones and the merging of form into formlessness. Dominated by a palette of soothing grays, blues, and subtle hues, the piece features the figure of a woman, her features contorted in an expressionist style that distorts her eyes and mouth as if melding with the surrounding shapes and hues. This distortion is representative of Dali’s signature style, which often embraced the fluidity of form and the play of light and shadow. The figure, though somewhat abstracted, retains a sensual quality in the curvature of lines and the softness of the depicted forms, expressing an enigmatic allure in keeping with the artwork’s reference to “enigmas” in its title.