“Untitled (Flag of Glandelinia)” is an artwork created by Henry Darger, a prominent figure within the Art Brut movement. This piece, categorized under the genre of illustration, reflects the artist’s unique, raw, and untrained artistic style.
The artwork prominently features a vibrant depiction of what appears to be a flag. The composition of the flag includes a background of yellow, with a large, red, rectangular section at the center, bordered by a series of yellow circles. Within this section, the dominant motif is a skull with crossed bones, evoking a theme of danger or piracy. On the left side, there is a complex circular pattern composed of alternating red and blue segments, suggesting a sense of dynamism and symmetry. The composition is further accentuated by handwritten text in a black, bold font at the top and bottom, likely in an invented or obscure language, adding an enigmatic quality to the artwork. The entire piece is evocative of a fantastical or imaginary world, characteristic of Darger’s oeuvre.