The artwork, likely named “Untitled (Gem Spa)”, was created by Jean-Michel Basquiat in 1982 in New York City, United States. This piece belongs to the art movements Naïve Art (Primitivism) and Street Art, and falls within the genres of graffiti and figurative art. The dimensions of the artwork are 183 by 143 centimeters.
In this striking composition, Basquiat employs a raw, expressive style characterized by bold colors and dynamic lines. Predominantly featuring a human head with ‘Motor Area’ written on it, the piece combines abstract shapes with crude imagery. The central figure is drawn with an intentionally rough and unrefined technique, capturing Basquiat’s distinctive approach. The words ‘GEM SPA’ are prominently displayed to the right, adding to the text-based elements that are often significant in his works. The composition also integrates arrows, wheel-like forms, and skeletal linework, which appear amidst a stark black background, evoking a sense of urgency and raw emotion. The elements combined project a powerful commentary on his urban environment and personal identity, hallmarks of Basquiat’s oeuvre.