The artwork, entitled “Untitled (Gray, Gray on Red),” was created by Mark Rothko in 1968. It is rendered in acrylic and is a significant piece within the Color Field Painting movement. The artwork, which measures 50 x 65 cm, falls within the abstract genre and is currently held in a private collection.
The artwork features two large, indistinct rectangles of gray color set against a vivid red background. The rectangles, which dominate the composition, appear to be softly blended into the backdrop, creating a sense of depth and subtle interaction between the hues. The rough edges of the rectangles contrast with the more solid, vibrant red surrounding them, encapsulating the meditative and immersive qualities characteristic of Rothko’s oeuvre. The simplicity of forms coupled with the profound use of color speaks to the emotional intensity and introspective nature of abstract expressionism.