The artwork titled “Untitled,” created by Jean-Michel Basquiat in 1980, uses the mediums of acrylic, ink, and paper. It belongs to the art movements of Neo-Expressionism and Neo-Dada and falls within the figurative genre. Measuring 28.6 x 22.9 cm, this piece exemplifies Basquiat’s distinctive artistic style, characterized by its vibrant, raw, and expressive qualities.
In the artwork, a central image emerges from a complex interplay of colors, forms, and text. The composition features a green car on the left with an orange window, juxtaposed with a loosely sketched blue figure and another indistinct form on the right. A spectrum of colors, primarily red, yellow, green, and blue, boldly crisscross the canvas, contributing to a sense of dynamic motion and chaos. Scattered letters and words, some partially legible like “MLK” and “Kalyst” alongside random characters, hint at deeper layers of meaning or personal symbolism. The overall piece is framed with a red outline, further accentuating its exploratory and avant-garde nature.