The artwork, titled “Untitled,” was created by Keith Haring in 1982. It belongs to the street art movement and is classified under the figurative and graffiti genres. This piece is a part of the “Subway Drawings, 1982” series.
In this particular work, there is a striking juxtaposition between popular culture and street art. On the left side, an advertisement for a magazine is prominently displayed, featuring a glamorous female figure with heavy makeup surrounded by mist. On the right side, Haring’s graffiti-style drawing shows three humanoid figures with arms raised towards a floating television set with wings and an inscription “T.V.” above it. The figures and television are rendered in Haring’s iconic simple, bold lines, contrasting sharply against the black background. This contrast highlights the interplay between mainstream media and street art, a common theme in Haring’s work.