The artwork, titled “Untitled,” was created by Louise Bourgeois in 1947. It is part of the “Femme Maison” series and belongs to the Feminist Art and Surrealism movements. The piece is categorized as figurative, sketch, and study, exemplifying Bourgeois’ exploration of themes related to female identity and domesticity within a surreal context.
The artwork presents a series of sketch-like figures and forms distributed across the canvas. Dominating the piece is an image of a figure on all fours with a house-like structure as its head, possibly symbolizing the entrapment or merging of the domestic sphere and the female self. Surrounding this central figure are smaller rectangular frames containing simplified human figures, architectural elements, and abstract patterns. The deliberate use of minimalistic lines and shapes conveys a raw, introspective examination of the interplay between personal identity, space, and societal roles.