The artwork titled “Untitled (Mother and Son)” was created by Shirin Neshat in 1995. It belongs to the Contemporary and Feminist Art movements and is a photograph that forms part of the artist’s “Women of Allah” series.
In this black-and-white photograph, the viewer observes a mother and her son positioned closely together against a stark black background, evoking a sense of intimacy and protection. The mother is veiled, her headscarf adorned with Persian calligraphy, symbolizing cultural and perhaps religious connotations. The child appears to be enveloped within her embrace, both figures projecting a quiet strength and solemnity. The careful composition highlights the contrast between the white garments and the dark surroundings, emphasizing the figures’ prominence and the intricate patterns on the mother’s veil. Notably, placed in the foreground is a gun, introducing a juxtaposition of tenderness and latent violence, a common theme in Neshat’s work that explores the complexities of identity and the female experience in a socio-political context.