“Untitled” (Perfect Lovers) is an evocative conceptual artwork created by the artist Felix Gonzalez-Torres in 1990. The artwork falls within the genre of installation art and is an expression of the Conceptual Art movement, which emphasizes the ideas behind an artwork over its physical form. The artwork is a poignant meditation on themes of love, synchronicity, and the passage of time.
The artwork features two commercially produced wall clocks, identical in design, that are hung side by side. Initially set to the same time, the clocks are intended to run simultaneously, acting as metaphors for two lovers in perfect harmony. However, as time passes, the clocks inevitably fall out of sync, reflecting the discordances and the eventual parting that can occur in relationships. The visual simplicity of the work belies a deep emotional charge and philosophical inquiry into the transient nature of human connection and the inexorable march of time.