The artwork titled “Untitled (Portrait of Colonel Jack Francis Evans)” is an illustration within the Art Brut movement, created by Henry Darger. The piece presents a depiction of Colonel Jack Francis Evans, capturing elements of Darger’s unique and intricate style.
The artwork features a portrait of a male figure, identified as Colonel Jack Francis Evans. The figure is adorned in a military uniform highlighted with bright colors, primarily yellow and blue. The uniform includes a peaked cap and epaulettes, indicative of a high-ranking officer. Surrounding the central figure, the composition is filled with dense, handwritten text that appears to narrate the story or significance of Colonel Evans. The handwritten text is an integral part of the illustration, framing the portrait in an array of detailed observations and descriptions, exhibited in a somewhat raw and unpolished manner characteristic of the Art Brut movement. The stark contrast between the bold colors of the uniform and the natural, muted background enhances the prominence of the figure, drawing attention to both the subject and the surrounding narrative.