The artwork “Untitled (Publicity)” by Richard Prince, created in the year 2000, employs the medium of appropriation and is part of the Conceptual Art movement. Measuring 83.8 by 104.1 centimeters, this photo genre artwork features a series of images that touch on themes of public persona and media representation.
In “Untitled (Publicity)”, the artwork consists of five black-and-white and color photographs depicting female subjects in varying degrees of undress, arranged in a grid with four pictures on top and one larger image below. The images appear to be extracted from popular media sources, reflecting Richard Prince’s characteristic method of recontextualizing pre-existing imagery to challenge notions of originality and authorship in art. The bottom section includes a caption-like element that further emphasizes the conceptual framework. This arrangement and appropriation of imagery comment on the commercialization and objectification inherent in modern publicity processes.