“Untitled (Red and Orange on Salmon),” created in 1969 by the artist Mark Rothko, is an exemplary piece of the Color Field Painting movement, epitomizing the abstract genre. This work is characterized by expansive planes of color, featuring broad swathes of red and orange set against a salmon-toned background.
The artwork presents two large, roughly rectangular forms, with a deep red block positioned above a vibrant orange block. Both forms appear slightly irregular and softly edged, suggesting the merging and interaction of colors. The red form, dominating the upper portion, exudes a sense of weight and solemnity, while the orange form below provides a contrasting, energetic vibrancy. The salmon background, slightly visible between the blocks and around the edges, serves as a subtle, grounding backdrop. Rothko’s use of color and form in this piece creates a contemplative visual experience, drawing viewers into its emotive and spatial depth.