The artwork, titled “Untitled,” created by Rene Magritte in 1926, employs the mediums of collage, pencil, and paper. This piece belongs to the Surrealism movement and is classified within the genre of symbolic painting.
The artwork features a juxtaposition of disparate elements, emblematic of Surrealist experimentation. The top section of the composition presents a textured, almost woodgrain-like pattern adorned with three disembodied, monochromatic eyes floating in the space. Below, a classical sculpture of a female figure appears to interact with a towering modernist building, hinting at a fusion of historical and contemporary motifs. The bottom part of the composition showcases a prominent collage element resembling a firearm, intriguingly composed of sheet music, further adding to the surreal and symbolic nature of the piece. The combination of incongruous elements forms a dreamlike and thought-provoking visual narrative, characteristic of Magritte’s enigmatic style.