“Untitled (Roja),” created by Shirin Neshat in 2016, is a contemporary feminist photographic artwork. As part of her expansive oeuvre, this piece delves into Neshat’s exploration of themes central to identity, culture, and political narratives, making it significant within contemporary and feminist art movements.
The artwork features a monochromatic photograph where a solitary figure, a woman dressed in a simple black dress, stands on a vast, empty, paved area. Behind her looms an imposing, modern architectural structure resembling a large, symmetrical vessel made of concrete. The contrast between the human subject and the monumental building evokes a sense of isolation and contemplation. The woman’s central position underlines her significance amidst the pervasive solidity and grandiosity of the architectural backdrop, drawing attention to the interplay between human presence and architectural enormity. The overall composition, rendered in black and white, emphasizes stark contrasts and adds a timeless, contemplative quality to the artwork.