The artwork “Untitled” by Saul Steinberg, created in 1957, is a representative piece of the Expressionism movement, particularly in the caricature genre. This artwork reflects the artist’s propensity for visual commentary, capturing complex ideas through seemingly simple drawings.
The artwork presents a whimsical interaction between two schematic faces; the one on the left side is depicted in profile, exhaling a geometrically complex speech bubble that takes the form of a three-dimensional, kite-like structure. The speech bubble encompasses abstract shapes and lines, illustrating a visually intricate communication. Meanwhile, the face on the right, facing directly towards the viewer, receives this complex communication through a similarly stylized ear trumpet, suggesting a humorous yet poignant parody of the act of communication. The ear trumpet is ornate and elaborate, contrasting with the stark simplicity of the faces.
The composition is minimalistic, with ample negative space, confined to simple lines and shapes that convey meaning beyond the literal representation. Steinberg’s use of such abstract visual language in the artwork skews conventional perspective and reflects a deep engagement with the essence of expressionism, wherein emotional experience takes precedence over physical reality.