The artwork, titled “Untitled,” was created by the artist Shirin Neshat in 1995. It is part of the Contemporary and Feminist Art movements and belongs to the “Women of Allah” series. This piece falls under the genre of photography.
The artwork features two women dressed in black, traditional garments, positioning themselves in a manner evoking solemnity and introspection. The upper woman gazes directly into the camera with an earnest expression, framed by foliage and floral motifs, which appear to be a part of the ceremonial or symbolic garlands. The lower woman’s hands are modestly placed upon her lap, her face encircled by a similar floral arrangement, establishing a connection between the two subjects. The background, adorned with soft, intricate patterns, enhances the contemplative mood of the scene. This composition reflects the cultural and religious identities that the artist often explores in her work, drawing attention to themes of femininity and societal roles.