“Untitled (Solar Set)” is an artwork by the artist Joseph Cornell from 1958, affiliated with the Surrealism movement. The installation is contained within dimensions of 11 1/2 x 16 1/4 x 3 5/8 inches and is part of the collection of Donald Karshan in New York.
The artwork presents a delicate assemblage nestled within a box, a characteristic format for Cornell, who is known for creating intimate, evocative worlds within the confines of such containers. The piece suggests a celestial theme, with celestial maps and diagrams serving as the backdrop. Suspended and affixed objects, which resemble planets and celestial bodies, impart a sense of the cosmic and fantastical. The carefully arranged glasses contain marbles or spheres, further reiterating the celestial motif.
These elements are meticulously curated and placed, conveying a dream-like quality typical of surrealistic works. The harmony of these objects within the compact space invites the viewer into a miniature universe, where Cornell’s fascination with the stars and the vast expanses of the cosmos is palpably felt. This artwork symbolizes a fusion of the everyday with the mystical, encouraging a viewer to delve into an imaginative exploration of the heavens through the lens of Cornell’s unique artistic vision.