“Untitled (Superman Collage #15)” is a 1960 artwork by artist Andy Warhol, belonging to the Pop Art movement and categorized under the figurative genre. The artwork features elements from comic books, aligning with Warhol’s signature style of blurring the boundaries between high art and popular culture.
The artwork centers around two comic book panels depicting the iconic character Superman in action. The upper panel shows Superman soaring into the sky with the sound effect “PUFF!” prominently displayed. The lower panel features Superman in mid-flight, rendered in his traditional blue and red costume. The panels are pasted on a predominantly white background, which is accented with various scattered ink splatters in blue, red, and tan. Handwritten annotations and markings are dispersed around the collage, adding an additional layer of visual texture. The playful and dynamic composition of this collage exemplifies Warhol’s interest in consumerism and mass media, characteristic of the Pop Art movement.