The artwork known as “Van Stolkpark,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1882, is a cityscape composed using chalk, charcoal, and pencil on paper. It was produced in The Hague, Netherlands, and is part of the Realism art movement. Currently, the artwork resides in the Feilchenfeldt Collection in Zürich, Switzerland.
This piece depicts a serene urban scene, characterized by an array of structures including houses and buildings that line the horizon. In the foreground, a man ambles along a path enclosed by a fence, surrounded by neatly arranged garden plots. The monochromatic palette, rendered skillfully through the use of chalk, charcoal, and pencil, imparts a sense of calm and meticulous observation, reflective of Van Gogh’s early exploration of form and detail during his time in The Hague. The artwork captures the quietude of city life, emphasizing the tranquility that can be found within an urban environment.