“Vase with Red and White Carnations on a Yellow Background,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1886, is an exquisite oil painting on canvas that exemplifies the Post-Impressionism movement. This floral artwork, categorized under the genre of flower painting, is presently housed in the Kröller-Müller Museum located in Otterlo, Netherlands.
The artwork prominently features a collection of vivid red and white carnations arranged in a vase, set against a vibrant yellow background. The painterly technique and brushstrokes used by van Gogh add a dynamic quality to the composition, with the flowers appearing lively and almost in motion. The contrast between the bright red carnations and the subtler white carnations provides a striking visual balance, while the yellow background illuminates the entire scene, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The texture and depth achieved through the application of oil on canvas highlight van Gogh’s mastery and his contribution to the Post-Impressionism art movement.