“Vase with Red Poppies,” created by the renowned artist Vincent van Gogh in 1886, is an exemplary work of the Post-Impressionism movement. Executed in oil on canvas, this flower painting is currently housed in the Wadsworth Atheneum, located in Hartford, Connecticut, US.
The artwork vividly captures a bouquet of red poppies arranged in a white vase. The rich, red hues of the poppies contrast strikingly against the dark, muted background, bringing a vibrant liveliness to the composition. The tender green stems and leaves intermingle with the red petals, their textures rendered with Van Gogh’s characteristic, expressive brushstrokes. The vase sits on a simple, reddish-brown surface which seems to meld with the deep tones of the background, allowing the vivid poppies to dominate the viewer’s attention. The overall mood of the painting is one of dynamic energy, reinforced by the textured application of paint and the bold color contrasts.