The artwork, titled “Vaudeville” and created by Jacob Lawrence in 1951, is a tempera on board piece that belongs to the Expressionist movement. Categorized as a genre painting, this distinguished artwork is housed in the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington, DC, US.
The vibrant composition of “Vaudeville” features two figures set against a dynamic and patterned background. The left figure is adorned in an elaborate green costume with diamond-shaped patterns, evocative of a harlequin’s attire. The right figure dons a dark, formal suit with a notable hat featuring multiple layers, seemingly in mid-gesture with an open hand. The backdrop is an intricate mosaic of geometric shapes in a variety of bold, contrasting colors, enhancing the lively and theatrical atmosphere of the scene. The figures’ dramatic poses and the vivid interplay of colors capture the spirited essence of vaudeville performance, reflecting the exuberant and expressive style characteristic of Lawrence’s work.