The artwork titled “Venetian Onion Seller,” created by John Singer Sargent between 1880 and 1882, is an oil painting on canvas. Characterized by the Realism art movement, this portrait measures 94.3 x 69.8 cm and is currently housed at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid, Spain.
The painting captures a poignant scene of a young Venetian seller with a somber, reflective expression. The figure’s dark hair and attire are contrasted by the light cream color of the onions she carries and the white cloth draped around her. The background includes a glimpse of a Venetian cityscape through a window, illuminated by the afternoon sun, which further emphasizes the warm, yet quietly dramatic, atmosphere. The work’s detailed rendering and evocative use of light and shadow demonstrate Sargent’s mastery of the Realist style.