The artwork, titled “Viking Eggeling,” was created by the artist Amedeo Modigliani in 1916 in Paris, France. Executed with oil on canvas, this piece belongs to the Expressionism art movement and is a portrait genre. The dimensions of the artwork are 65 x 46 cm. It is currently housed in the Lille Métropole Museum of Modern, Contemporary and Outsider Art (LaM) in Lille, France.
The artwork depicts a striking portrait against a dark and muted background. The subject exhibits elongated features, a hallmark of Modigliani’s unique style. His face is sculpted with exaggerated lines and angular forms, with a pronounced nose and aristocratic demeanor. The eyes, one of the focal points in Modigliani’s portraits, appear deep and thoughtful, contributing to the enigmatic aura of the subject. The use of dark tones and the contrast of the figure’s lighter complexion emphasize the intensity of the portrait. The overall mood of the artwork is solemn and introspective, characteristic of Modigliani’s exploration of human expression and identity.